
Turkey to Host UN Conference on Space Law and Policy

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Hosted by the Republic of Turkey, with the joint organization of TÜBİTAK Space Technologies Research Institute, Turkish Space Agency and Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO) and with the support of Istanbul Technical University (ITU), "United Nations Conference on Space Law and Policy" will be held in Istanbul between 23-26 September 2019.

The conference, which is one of the most important events of the UN Office for Space Affairs, is expected to be attended by an international expert group of approximately 200 people, where legal and administrative issues related to space activities will be discussed. The participants of the conference, whose official language will be English, are mostly senior administrators and lawyers working in the field of space in their countries. The conference is also expected to be attended by many academics who are actively involved in capacity building activities on space law in their countries and who contribute to policy development.

The Space Law and Policy Conference series has its roots in the UN Space Law and Policy workshops. Held in 10 different countries since 2002, these workshops aimed to build capacity in the legal and administrative aspects of space activities. The first conference of this series, which was planned to have a wider scope and range of participants, was hosted by the Russian Federation last year. Turkey also participated in this conference at the panelist and audience level.

The United Nations (UN) Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) organizes capacity-building and information-sharing events on specific topics within the framework of strategies determined by the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS), of which Turkey is a member. These events can take place on administrative and legal issues as well as space technologies and applications.

It is considered that this organization, which will be attended by the world's leading experts in the field of space law and policy, is of great importance for our country in terms of international visibility and prestige, and the participation of experts working in this field from our relevant institutions (maximum two people from each institution) will be beneficial in this period when concrete steps are taken towards institutionalization in the field of space in our country.

Registration for the conference is required until August 9, 2019

The detailed information page and registration page prepared by the UN for the conference can be accessed via the link below.


In order to participate in the conference, it is necessary to register from the registration page of our institution, whose address is given below, and then from the UN registration page until August 9, 2019.

TUBITAK Space Registration Page (Turkish): http://slc2019.uzay.tubitak.gov.tr/

UN Registration Page (English): https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=2zWeD09UYE-9zF6kFubc…

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