
APSCO 2015 MSc and PhD Scholarships

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The Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO), of which Turkey is a member, will award master's and doctoral scholarships for 2015. Within the scope of the agreement between APSCO and Beihang University in Beijing, China, a Master's Program (MASTA) in Remote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems (RS&GIS), Micro-Satellite Technology and Global Satellite Navigation System (GNSS) and a Doctoral Program (DOCSTA) in Space Technology Applications have been opened for 2015. Among the applicants from Turkey, 1-2 candidates are expected to be accepted to each program of MASTA and 1 candidate for DOCSTA program.

Applications will close on March 15, 2015. APSCO will recommend the selected candidates for full scholarship admission to Beihang University.

Detailed information on the scholarships and financial support to be provided under the programs is provided in the documents below.

1- DOCSTA 2015 Announcement

2- MASTA GNSS 2015 Announcement

3- MASTA Micro-Satellite Technology 2015 Announcement

4- MASTA RS&GIS 2015 Announcement


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