APSCO Awards Master's and Doctoral Scholarships for 2014

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The Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO), of which Turkey is a member, will award master's and doctoral scholarships for 2014. Within the scope of the agreement between APSCO and Beihang University in Beijing, China, a Master's Program (MASTA) in Satellite Communications (SATCOM), Micro-Satellite Technology (MSST) and Global Satellite Navigation System (GNSS) and a Doctoral Program (DOCSTA) in Space Technologies and Applications have been opened for 2014. Among the applicants from Turkey, 1-2 candidates are expected to be accepted to each program of MASTA and 1 candidate for DOCSTA program.

Applications will close on March 15, 2014. APSCO will recommend the selected applicants for full scholarship admission to Beihang University.
The round-trip airfare of the candidates will be covered by APSCO for one time only. For detailed information about each program, please click here ...

1- DOCSTA 2014 Announcement
2- MASTA GNSS 2014 Announcement
3- MASTA SATCOM 2014 Announcement
4- MASTA Micro-Satellite Technology 2014 Announcement

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