Balistika Project Signing Ceremony for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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On July 11, 2012, a signing ceremony was held between our Institute and VERİSİS A.Ş. within the scope of BALİSTİKA Trace Image Analysis and Recognition System Development Project.

The experience of Turkish engineers in ballistic trace examination technology gained in previous projects will be carried abroad and used to solve similar problems in Saudi Arabia. BALİSTİKA is a pioneering work in many areas, such as pre-competitive cooperation with SUBA. The systems developed by the researchers will be equipped to meet the demands of the customers and will be the pioneer of research center-industry cooperation. In addition to its previous capabilities, the new ballistic trace examination system, which will be developed by our Institute, will be integrated with the Criminal Laboratory Management System (CLIMS) developed by VERİSİS A.Ş. with this project, thus preventing the retention of duplicate data.

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