'Electric Vehicles' Meeting Organized at TÜBİTAK

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The meeting at TÜBİTAK Space Institute was attended by officials from the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, senior executives from industrial organizations with competence in electric vehicles in the automotive sector, academics with concrete studies in this field, and senior executives from umbrella organizations and NGOs in the sector.

The meeting aimed to take the first step towards establishing an "Electric Vehicle Development Platform", to take initiatives to help Turkey gain a foothold in the immature electric vehicle market, and to receive feedback on the large-scale project supports planned to be provided to gain a competitive advantage.

On April 12, 2012, priority sub-technology topics in the automotive sector were determined with the participation of representatives of umbrella organizations and non-governmental organizations in the sector, academicians with concrete studies on the sector, and senior executives of the automotive industry at TÜBİTAK Headquarters. As a result of the meeting, the "Electric/hybrid Vehicle Technologies" sub-technology was ranked first.

Within this framework, calls were opened under the TÜBİTAK 1511 Priority Areas R&D Projects Support Program to support industrial R&D studies, and the 1003 Priority Areas R&D Projects Support Program for academic R&D studies.

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