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On the night of July 15, 2016, our country was faced with a coup attempt against the national will and the Turkish Armed Forces by the extension gangs of the parallel structure within our honorable Turkish Army. The desperate traitors who carried out this treacherous coup attempt did not observe any value judgment while throwing bombs at the sons of the nation carrying the Turkish flag, the security organization, our Gazi Parliament and the Presidential Complex without any discrimination.

Every bomb thrown at the Presidential Complex, the Parliament and places where people gather has been thrown at the national will, at the heart of the nation. Turkey has been fighting against terrorist organizations and terrorists for years. The July 15th coup attempt is the most despicable act of terrorism we have ever experienced.

This treacherous group, which infiltrated the nation's army, could not achieve its goal with the stance of a united nation. The Commander-in-Chief of Turkey, our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's steadfast stance and his critical call to our nation was answered and this game was foiled. In this process, the stance of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey, members of the Government, political party leaders and the media against the coup attempt and their embrace of democracy is admirable.

This armed terrorist organization, which is an extension of a parallel structure within the state, tried to take over the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) in the past, but failed to achieve its goal. In the past period, TUBITAK has fought against the parallel structure in the most effective way and will continue to do so in the most effective way from now on.

We especially want it to be known that the only source of sovereignty and power is the will of the nation. Those who are involved in all kinds of actions and plans to suspend, weaken and ignore the will of the nation will now be held accountable to our great nation before justice. With the July 15th Coup Attempt foiled, our country and our democracy have gained the upper hand against the scourge of terrorism that will continue in a despicable manner. The periods of coups and memorandums, which started in 1960 and which we have experienced periodically, are now history.

We wish Allah's mercy to our democracy martyrs who lost their lives in the fight against this dastardly attempt, condolences to their relatives and a speedy recovery to those who were injured. We would also like to thank every member of our nation who took to the streets and put their lives on the line by embracing our country by adopting democracy as a principle, the valuable members of our TÜBİTAK family who quickly came to their duty stations that night and worked to protect our institution against the threat, and our security forces who fought against the coup plotters.

It is respectfully announced to the public.


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