

Data Processing and Mining Applications

Know-how and expertise of TÜBİTAK UZAY in the areas of satellite image processing pipeline construction, calibration, semantic image and video analysis, 3-D imaging, pattern and object recognition, high-performance computing, 3-D visualization grows continuously with each new application and R&D activities.

Earth Observation Data Processing

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Processing of satellite images, absolute radiometric and geometric calibration and analysis-ready data creation for RASAT, GÖKTÜRK-2 and İMECE imaging satellites that are developed by TÜBİTAK UZAY are carried out in this context. The algorithms and pipelines that have been developed are merged under a stand-alone general-purpose Original Data Valuation Software (DBM).

Additionally, analyzes utilizing state-of-the-art earth observation data are carried out to support sustainable economic and social development.

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition


Digital Forensics

Digital forensics, especially in the field of image processing, involves uncovering valuable evidence through the meticulous examination and analysis of digital images.

Smart Security Systems

Security systems are made intelligent with various artificial intelligence and pattern recognition methods, reducing the workload of operators and enabling more efficient use. 


BALİSTİKA®is a user-friendly, scalable, 3-D data acquisition and utilization system with high matching performance, running on a relational database that links bullet cores and casings, weapons, occurrence frequencies, and individuals.

Semantic Video Analysis

Conceptual Video Analytics is a field that enables the extraction of meaningful information from video content through computer vision and multimedia analysis.

Satellite Image Portal

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Upon the launch of earth observation satellites, image portals are created to deliver the downloaded satellite images to the end user. Images from these portals are served after going through the following pipeline operations:

  • Geometric calibration
  • Absolute and relative radiometric calibration
  • Mosaicing
  • Online presentation (structured database with meta data, cataloging, query interface, etc.)

After the launch of the RASAT Satellite, the Geoportal Project, developed to perform the mentioned functions, was entitled to receive the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Level 3 certification, which is the most accepted and implemented process improvement approach worldwide.

TÜBİTAK UZAY, within the scope of Geoportal Project, GEZGİN portal (www.gezgin.gov.tr) has been developed to share images obtained from observation satellites on the internet.