GÖKTÜRK-2 Satellite in Orbit for 8 Years

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Produced under the leadership of TÜBİTAK UZAY, the 2.5-meter resolution GÖKTÜRK-2 Satellite, which meets the satellite imagery needs of the Turkish Armed Forces and other public institutions and organizations, has been successfully fulfilling its mission for 8 years.

Sent into space on December 18, 2012, GÖKTÜRK-2, as a result of the high-level engineering measures implemented during the design and production process, has been continuing its mission for longer than the five-year mission life targeted in its design.

GÖKTÜRK-2, which is placed in a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of approximately 685 kilometers above the earth's surface, completes one revolution around the earth in approximately 98 minutes. Since its launch, GÖKTÜRK-2 has responded to important needs in the fields of defense, environment, urban planning, agriculture and forestry, providing satellite images to public institutions and organizations in the fields of disaster monitoring, urban planning, monitoring agricultural areas, forest fires and intelligence.

The GÖKTÜRK-2 Satellite, which has a high level of reliability at international standards, has been sending uninterrupted images from all over the world to the Air Forces Command Ahlatlıbel Ground Station since 2012, when it was launched into space.

GÖKTÜRK-2 enabled the development of technology and the necessary infrastructure in the field of space, as well as the training of specialized manpower. With the experience and know-how gained in BİLSAT and RASAT projects, especially GÖKTÜRK-2, Turkey's first national earth observation satellite İMECE with sub-meter resolution and the first national communication satellite TÜRKSAT 6A are currently being developed by TÜBİTAK UZAY. These satellites will soon take their place in space.

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