
TURKSAT 6A Project Stakeholders Gathered at TÜBİTAK UZAY

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The Ministry of Transportation, Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB), TÜBİTAK, TÜRKSAT A.Ş., project implementing organizations (TUSAŞ, ASELSAN and CTECH) and subcontractor companies of the project attended the TÜRKSAT 6A Project stakeholder event held at TÜBİTAK UZAY.

TÜBİTAK President Prof. Dr. Orhan Aydın, who attended the event, stated in his speech that all stakeholders play an important role in increasing the power of Türkiye in the field of technology. Noting that they experienced firsts in Turkish space history with the indigenous and national communication satellite TÜRKSAT 6A, Prof. Dr. Aydın thanked all colleagues who worked in the TÜRKSAT 6A process for their efforts and successful work.

TÜBİTAK UZAY Institute Director Mehmet Nefes also emphasized the successes in the indigenous and national satellite production developed under the leadership of TÜBİTAK UZAY and drew attention to the importance of the TÜRKSAT 6A Project in terms of the technological independence of Türkiye. Then, Project Manager Cevher Levent Ertürk made a presentation about the technical details and current status of the project and conveyed the contributions of the stakeholders to the project.

Can Bayraktar from TÜBİTAK UZAY Business Development and External Relations Group made the institute introduction presentation. The participants visited TÜBİTAK UZAY Ground Station and Clean Room and received detailed information about the operations carried out and the testing processes of the satellite.

Plaques and satellite models were presented to the companies that contributed to the project

At the event, TÜBİTAK President Prof. Dr. Orhan Aydın, Vice Presidents Prof. Dr. Mesut Güner and İsmail Doğan and TÜBİTAK UZAY Institute Director Mehmet Nefes presented plaques and satellite models to the companies that contributed to the project. At the plaque presentation ceremony, the representatives of the companies were thanked and it was emphasized that their efforts were of great importance for the space and satellite sector of the country.

The event ended with a dinner held at the TÜBİTAK UZAY Institute, and thanks were given to all stakeholders who supported the TÜRKSAT 6A project. The event ended with the wishes that this important cooperation in the space journey of Türkiye will continue with the same success and dedication in the future.

Among the stakeholders who supported the project were the Transportation, Maritime and Communication Research Center, TÜBİTAK KAMAG, TÜRKSAT Satellite Communication Cable TV and Operation Inc., ASELSAN Inc., Turkish Aviation and Space Industries Inc. (TUSAŞ), C Tech Information Technologies Industry and Trade Inc., BİAS Engineering Co. Ltd., Demirkol Machinery Mold Industry and Trade Ltd., GCLAB Engineering Inc., GÜMÜŞ Space Defense Aviation Industry and Trade Ltd., İZOREEL Composite Insulated Materials Industry and Trade Ltd., Kaleli Shaft and Metal Industry Trade Ltd. Co., Kucukpazarli Kardesler Mold and Machine Industry Co. Ltd. Co., MAXIMATOR Türkiye High Pressure Systems Machine Industry and Trade Ltd. Co., Proino Engineering Consulting Industry and Trade Ltd. Co., SSA Machinery Manufacturing Industry and Trade Ltd. Co., Türkiye Insurance Inc., VISIONX Technology Ltd. Co. and Yasar University.

The orbital tests of the TÜRKSAT 6A satellite, which was sent to orbit on July 9, 2024 and will be transferred to TÜRKSAT Inc. at the end of the year, continue successfully.

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