
HALE Project

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With the Electric Propulsion Application Research and Hall Effect Propulsion Engine Development Infrastructure Project (HALE), Turkey will have its first facility to conduct research in the field of electric propulsion engine technologies and to develop these systems. The project will provide the necessary know-how and infrastructure for the design, production and testing of Hall-effect propulsion systems. The propulsion systems to be produced and tested in the electric propulsion laboratory to be established at TÜBİTAK UZAY with the support of the SPO will enable the realization of more complex space missions, such as lunar and interplanetary missions, and will provide a development infrastructure for new projects.

The development of electric propulsion engines is a new research area in the world as well as in our country, and from this perspective, the HALE project is a project that supports national competitiveness. The infrastructure to be established in the project, which will ensure that our country's know-how in the field of space, especially in propulsion systems, will move to an important place, will be a laboratory that all researchers who want to work in the field can benefit from.

HALE will undertake a world-scale infrastructure investment, the development of which is of strategic, technological and commercial importance. In this way, the number of systems developed with national capabilities will be increased, foreign dependency in this field will be minimized with the capabilities and opportunities obtained, and electric propulsion systems technology will be added to the national scientific and technological research opportunities. The project will also be an important step towards the national lunar mission.

The HALE Project, which started in June 2010, is planned to be completed in 2015.

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