

Executive Management

M.Mehmet NEFES

Director of Institute

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Mr. M. Mehmet Nefes, an alumnus of Bilkent University with an undergraduate degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2006) and a master's degree from THK University's Industrial Engineering-Engineering Management Program, commenced his career as an R&D engineer at TÜRKSAT A.Ş. in 2006. Furthermore, he pursued his master's studies at the BİL-UZAY Research Center between 2006 and 2007.

Throughout his tenure, Mr. Nefes served in various capacities within TÜRKSAT AŞ., notably in the Satellite Design and R&D, Satellite Frequency Observation, and Satellite Programs units. He actively contributed to numerous satellite and infrastructure projects, including TŪRKSAT 4A/4B, TŪRKSAT 5A/5B, the National Space Systems Integration and Test Center installation, satellite ground systems installations, and our first national communications satellite TÜRKSAT 6A. Serving as Satellite Programs Director from January 2021 to November 2023, Mr. M. Mehmet Nefes also undertook responsibilities encompassing satellite project management, technology consultancy, training provision, and notably, played a pivotal role in securing our country's initial exports in this domain.

By virtue of the decision letter from the TÜBİTAK Presidency dated November 27, 2023, Mr. M. Mehmet Nefes has been appointed as the Institute Director of TÜBİTAK Space Technologies Research Institute and he still holds this position.

Mr. Nefes possesses specialized expertise in engineering management, satellite communication systems, command-control systems, satellite production and testing processes, reliability engineering, satellite procurement, and launch services management.

Additionally, since March 2023, Mr. Nefes has been representing our country within the NATO Resilience Committee-Civil Communications Planning Group.