

Pyroshock Test Facility

The Pyroshock Test Facility is used to simulate the pyro-explosive shock loads of spacecraft, especially satellites, during separation, solar panel and antenna deployment. This system is critical to guarantee the durability and performance of products.

Pneumatic Shooting System

The Pneumatic Shooting System launches aluminum cylinders (projectiles) using air pressure and creates a shock load when these cylinders hit the resonant plate. The system can launch the projectile by pressurizing the air up to 4 bar and in this way it can reach an acceleration value of 3000g instantaneously. In the frequency band, 8000g values can be reached in the SRS graph.


Pneumatic Shooting System Features

Detailed Specifications

  • Pressure 4 bars
  • Maximum G Force (in Time Band): 3000g
  • Maximum G Force (Frequency Band): 8000g

Data Collection System

Data acquisition systems record and analyze the data generated during testing. These systems are critical to ensure the accuracy and reliability of test results.


Features of our Data Collection System

Key Features

  • Safe: NI PXIe-1071
  • Module: PXIe-4480
  • Software: NI LabView 2017
  • Number of Channels: 6 channels

Detailed Specifications

  • Sampling Rate: 1.25 MSample/s
  • Resolution: 24 bit
  • Frequency Range: 0.5 Hz - 102.4 kHz
  • Bandwidth 102.4 kHz


Shock accelerometers are devices that measure the acceleration of shock loads. These devices contain piezo materials that find mechanical force by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. Various accelerometers with different axes and sensitivities are used. These accelerometers are ICP (Integrated Circuit Piezoelectric) type. We have enough Kistler brand 8742A5, 8742A10 and 8742A20 model accelerometers.


Accelerometer System Specifications

Key Features

  • Brand: Cysts
  • Models 8742A5, 8742A10, 8742A20
  • Tip: ICP

Detailed Specifications

Model Number of Axis Sensitivity Measurement Range Frequency Range
8742A5 Single axis 1 mV/g ±5000 g 0.5-10000 Hz
8742A10 Single axis 0.5 mV/g ±10000 g 0.5-10000 Hz
8742A20 Single axis 0.25 mV/g ±20000 g 0.5-10000 Hz