APSCO's 5th International Symposium Held in Turkey

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The 5th International Symposium of the Asia Pacific Space Cooperation Organization APSCO, of which Turkey is a member, was held in Ankara on 8-10 October 2013 under the organization of TÜBİTAK UZAY. Participants from APSCO member countries Bangladesh, China, Iran, Iran, Mongolia, Pakistan, Peru and Thailand as well as more than one hundred managers and experts from our related public institutions and companies attended the symposium on remote sensing and geographic information systems.

The General Directorate of Agricultural Reform, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) Information Systems and Communication Department, General Directorate of Geographical Information Systems and General Directorate of Infrastructure and Urban Transformation Services from the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO), General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre, General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) contributed to the symposium with their presentations, while TEKNON, Başarsoft, BİTES, Körfez Haritacılık and Martin Telekom were among the companies that supported the symposium.

Symposium program and presentations http://www.apsco-turkey.org can be accessed from the website.

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