GÖKTÜRK-2 Satellite Achieves 12 Years of Operation in Orbit

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GÖKTÜRK-2, Türkiye’s first high-resolution national earth observation satellite, has successfully completed its 12th year in orbit. Developed with domestic and national capabilities, the satellite was launched into space from the Jiuquan Launch Center in China on December 18, 2012, and has since maintained its mission orbit at an altitude of approximately 700 kilometers.

Developed with Domestic and National Capabilities

Produced in cooperation with TÜBİTAK UZAY and Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), GÖKTÜRK-2 stands out as a significant milestone demonstrating Türkiye’s capabilities in the field of space. The satellite is the first indigenously developed high-resolution Earth observation satellite in Türkiye.

On Mission for 12 Years

Originally designed with a five-year mission life, GÖKTÜRK-2 has continued to operate at full capacity for 12 years, thanks to advanced engineering solutions such as high radiation resistance, continuous and effective thermal control, precise three-axis orientation capability, and the use of space-resistant batteries and solar panels. As a result, the satellite has surpassed its expected service life.

With a resolution of 2.5 meters, GÖKTÜRK-2 is of great importance to Türkiye, as it possesses critical technologies such as infrared camera, interface cards, image compression software and hardware, a flight computer, and an X-Band transmitter.

Defense, Intelligence, Environment, and Disaster Management

During its mission, GÖKTÜRK-2 has produced tens of thousands of images covering millions of square kilometers. These images have met the needs of the Turkish Armed Forces and various public institutions and organizations across fields such as defense, intelligence, environmental management, urban planning, agriculture, forestry, and disaster and emergency management.

Inspiring New Satellites with Its Experience

The experience gained from the development of indigenous satellites like GÖKTÜRK-2 and RASAT has enhanced Türkiye’s competence in space technology. As a result, İMECE, the first national Earth observation satellite with sub-meter resolution, and TÜRKSAT 6A, the first national communication satellite, have begun their missions in orbit.

With the recently launched İMECE team satellite project, Türkiye’s capabilities in space technology will continue to grow. Within the scope of the GÖKTÜRK-3 Project, work on the first national Earth observation satellite featuring more advanced radar technologies will proceed. Through this satellite, Türkiye will diversify its space observation capabilities and gain a high-resolution imaging capacity independent of weather conditions.

Having successfully completed its 12th year in orbit, the GÖKTÜRK-2 Satellite continues to serve as an important milestone in the development of high-resolution satellite technologies by Türkiye, using domestic and national capabilities.

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