EMI/EMC Test Facility

EMI/EMC tests required according to the latest version of MIL-STD 461 standard are performed on space equipment under development

CE102 Conducted Emission Test

(10Khz-10Mhz Power Lines)

Measurement of electromagnetic noise of an electronic subsystem in the frequency range 10Khz-10Mhz transmitted over power lines to other devices


Test Detail Information

Key Features

Within the scope of CE102 Conducted Emission Test, the Electromagnetic noise emitted by an electronic subsystem to other devices over power lines must be below the limit curve specified in the standard. This noise between 10KHz-10Mhz is measured with an EMI Receiver and verified by testing that the noise level is below the limit curve.

CS101 Conducted Susceptibility Test

(30 Hz-150KHz Power lines)

Testing the effect of 30Hz-150 Khz electromagnetic noise transmitted through power lines from other devices on an electronic subsystem


Test Detail Information

Key Features

Within the scope of CS101 Conducted Susceptibility Test, an electronic subsystem must not be affected by Electromagnetic noise emitted over power lines from other devices. With the signal generator and amplifier, direct noise is printed on the power lines at frequencies between 30 Hz-150 Khz and it is tested and verified that the device continues to operate functionally.

CS114 Conducted Susceptibility Test

(10Khz-400Mhz Cable Injection)

Within the scope of MIL-STD-461 CS114 Test, testing the effect of electromagnetic noise between 10KHz-400 MHz transmitted by cable injection on the data lines of an electronic subsystem from other devices on the device


Test Detail Information

Key Features

Within the scope of CS114 Conducted Susceptibility Test, an electronic subsystem must not be affected by Electromagnetic noise emitted over data lines from other devices. By means of signal generator and amplifier, noise is printed by cable injection into the data lines at frequencies between 10 KHz-400 MHz and it is tested and verified that the device continues to operate functionally.

CS115 Conducted Susceptibility Test

( Pulse Cable Injection )

Testing the effect of electromagnetic noise transmitted by pulse-shaped cable injection on the data lines of an electronic subsystem from other devices on the device


Test Detail Information

Key Features

CS115 Conducted Susceptibility Test requires that an electronic subsystem must not be affected by Electromagnetic noise emitted over data lines from other devices. By means of a pulse generator and amplifier, a defined pulse noise is printed on the data lines by cable injection and it is verified by testing that the device continues to operate functionally.

CS116 Conducted Susceptibility Test

(10Khz-100Mhz Sinusoid Cable Injection)

Testing the effect of electromagnetic noise transmitted by 10Khz-100Mhz sinusoidal cable injection on the data lines of an electronic subsystem from other devices on the device


Test Detail Information

Key Features

Within the scope of CS116 Conducted Susceptibility Test, an electronic subsystem must not be affected by Electromagnetic noise emitted over data lines from other devices. By means of pulse generator and amplifier, sinusoidal noise at frequencies between 10Khz - 100Mhz is printed by cable injection into the data lines and it is tested and verified that the device continues to operate functionally.