
Moldova Delegation Visited TÜBİTAK UZAY

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Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Turkey Dmitri Croitor, Director General of the National Research and Development Agency of Moldova (NARD) Dr. Olga Tagadiuc, Rector of the Technical University of Moldova Prof. Dr. Viorel Bostan, Rector of Comrat State University Prof. Dr. Serghei Zaharia and the accompanying delegation visited TÜBİTAK Space Technologies Research Institute (UZAY) on November 10, 2020.

Following the introductory presentation of the Institute made by Dr. Sadık Murat Yüksel in the BTYK Meeting Hall, satellite models were presented to the Ambassador and the Director General. Afterwards, the visitors were given information about TÜBİTAK UZAY and our satellites by Dr. Alime Özyıldırım, Deputy Director of the Institute.

Deputy Director of the Institute Aytekin Çakır, Remote Sensing Group Leader Dr. Kaan Kalkan and Strategic Management Measurement and Evaluation Group Leader Seda Deveci were also present during the visit.

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