Optical Systems Research Laboratory (OPMER)

Optical Systems Research Laboratory (OPMER) was established to develop and produce sensitive optical components needed in many different fields within national possibilities and capabilities, primarşly satellite technologies. The production and metrology systems used in the processes of shaping high-quality optical components, meeting surface finishing requirements, increasing surface form sensitivity, reflective, anti-reflective, etc., which are critical for cutting-edge space and defense applications, have been included in the infrastructure.

In the laboratory, which covers a total area of 1,100 m², 500 m² of the controlled area is reserved for sensitive optical production and metrology sections, 345 m² is reserved for micropatterning and coating sections with 100 and 1,000 class clean rooms, and 270 m² is reserved for the integration section with a 1,000 class clean room.

OPMER continues its work with great determination and belief to further increase the power and influence of Türkiye in the space and defense sectors.

opmer lab

Equipment Detail Information

Infrastructure Capabilities of the Laboratory

  • ISO 14644 Class7 class clean room
  • Vacuum chambers (with thrust and tail gas measurement capabilities) for functional testing of Hall Effect Propulsion Engines up to 2.5 kW
    Ø2.350 x 4.500 mm internal size, 2×10-7 torr vacuum
    Ø1.500 x 1.200 mm internal size, 1×10-6 torr vacuum
    Ø600 x 1.100 mm internal size, 5×10-8 torr vacuum
  • Helium leak detection of propulsion system and piping
  • Up to 250 bar pressure resistance test of propulsion system pipelines
  • Xenon gas refueling (up to 200 bar pressure)
  • Hot-cold start tests of the engine at temperatures between -150 to +125 degrees with the Thermal Shroud System in the large vacuum chamber (from the beginning of 2025)
  • Automatic execution of life and start-stop tests of electric propulsion engines with the Autonomous Test System

Subsystems of Electric Propulsion Systems

  • 1.5 kW Hall Effect Thrust Motor
  • 300 W Hall Effect Thrust Motor
  • Gas Feeding Unit
  • 1.5 kW Power Processing and Control Unit
  • 300 W Power Processing and Control Unit
  • Propellant Tank