
Orientation Training Organized for Interns

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Orientation training sessions were organized on July 22-23 and August 19 for the students who will be interning at our institution this year. The sessions, held in the GÖKTÜRK and TÜRKSAT Meeting Rooms, began with a speech by our Institute Director, Mehmet Nefes, addressing the interns, followed by an introduction to the Institute.

During the training, the Facility Security Unit and the Information Technology Group provided essential briefings and answered questions from the interns. Various training sessions were conducted throughout the internship to enhance the students' knowledge and experience. Additionally, tours of the Clean Room and Ground Station were organized. Tuva Cihangir Atasever delivered a project presentation on the Turkish Astronaut and Science Mission, followed by a presentation on the Lunar Project by Project Manager Burak Yağlıoğlu.

At the end of the internship program, our Institute Director, Mehmet Nefes, held a discussion with the interns to listen to their opinions and suggestions. Feedback based on their satisfaction was collected, and the efficiency and effectiveness of the internship program were evaluated.

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