
Gokturk-2 Satellite is 6 Years Old

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Launched on December 18, 2012, Turkey's high-resolution national reconnaissance satellite Göktürk-2 completed its 6th year in space today.

Göktürk-2, produced in partnership with TÜBİTAK UZAY and TUSAS, has a resolution of 2.5 meters and sends images from all over the world to the Air Forces Command Ahlatlıbel Ground Station.

Göktürk-2, which meets the satellite imagery needs of the Turkish Armed Forces and other public institutions and organizations, has also provided the opportunity to develop technology and infrastructure in the field of space and to train expert manpower.

Göktürk-2 sends the images it receives from Turkey and its surroundings instantly to the ground station in Ankara. The satellite, which is placed in a sun-synchronous orbit 660 kilometers above the ground, can take images from anywhere in the world.

Göktürk-2 orbits the Earth every 98 minutes and passes through the North and South polar regions once each.

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