
Prime Minister Erdoğan: A Moment of Great Pride

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Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said that the GÖKTÜRK-2 satellite is the most meaningful indicator of where determination and self-confidence can take Turkey.

In his speech at the launch ceremony of the GÖKTÜRK-2 satellite, which was watched live from TÜBİTAK's METU campus, Prime Minister Erdoğan said that this was a moment of great pride for Turkey and the nation. Erdoğan thanked the scientists, engineers, all relevant institutions and the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology for their efforts in the construction of the national satellite, 80 percent of which is domestically produced, and reminded that the domestic Rasat satellite was launched from Russia in August last year. Pointing out that Turkey had also produced the Rasat satellite with its own means, Erdoğan said that this satellite had been successfully fulfilling its mission for a year.

Stating that RASAT has made 7,160 orbits, imaged an area of 2 million 662 thousand square kilometers and 98 percent of Turkey's geography has been imaged thanks to this satellite, Erdoğan said that GÖKTÜRK-2, which was sent into space today, will carry out reconnaissance and surveillance as a satellite with more advanced technology and capabilities than RASAT, contribute to environmental and urban planning services, and meet the needs in areas such as combating natural disasters, agriculture and mapping. Prime Minister Erdoğan said the following: "Most importantly, we will meet the reconnaissance and surveillance needs of the Turkish Armed Forces much more clearly with this satellite, which sends images with a resolution of 2.5 meters. As Turkey, we have sent satellites into space in the past, but the GÖKTÜRK-2 satellite we sent today is a concrete proof that we have become a country that has a claim in this field. We are now one of the 25 countries that can manufacture their own satellites. There are 11 countries in the world that can launch satellites. Hopefully, with the work of TÜBİTAK, TAI and other institutions, we will mobilize our means to become a country with our own launch stations, and we will bring Turkey to these levels. More importantly, the GÖKTÜRK-2 satellite that we sent into space today is the most meaningful indicator of where determination and self-confidence can take Turkey. As a country, as a nation, we said we could do it and we did it. We dreamed a dream, we ran after that dream, we turned that dream into a plan and a project, and today we have made that dream a reality in a concrete way."

Pointing out that 10 years ago Turkey was a country struggling with severe crises, losing its self-confidence and not having any big claims, Erdoğan said, "Today we have become a country that designs and manufactures our own unmanned aerial planes, air vehicles, tanks, ships and helicopters, whereas 10 years ago it was not even possible to imagine."

Stating that from now on, no goal can be a dream for them or for the youth, Erdoğan said: "God willing, much brighter, bright, excited, enthusiastic, determined and most importantly self-confident young people are coming from behind, and they will do much better and bring much greater achievements to this nation. We are proud of giving this self-confidence not only to our nation but especially to our youth today. On behalf of myself and my nation, I would like to thank our scientists, engineers and employees who have helped us to experience this excitement and pride once again."

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