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An agreement was signed on January 13, 2016 for the sale of the second batch of the BALISTIKA® System developed by TÜBİTAK Space Technologies Research Institute to Saudi Arabia. The first of this project, also known as SUBA (Saudi Arabia BALISTIKA), was realized in 2013 under the name SUBA-1. SUBA-1 was also the first overseas sale of the BALISTIKA System and 6 systems were installed for the Ministry of Interior of Saudi Arabia.

With SUBA-2, which is a continuation of SUBA-1 and includes the development and installation of an additional 8 systems, Saudi Arabia will have a total of 14 BALISTIKA Systems.

With its foreign language support, three-dimensional visualization in ballistic examination of bullets and casings and high-performance comparison feature, the BALISTICA System stands out among its competitors abroad.

The BALISTIKA System was developed by TÜBİTAK Space Technologies Research Institute between 2008 and 2012 as a Public Research and Development Project supported by TÜBİTAK.

The BALISTIKICA System has been in use at the Criminal Laboratories of the Turkish National Police since 2012, and dissemination projects for the development of new units are ongoing.

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