
Within the scope of Turkey's first lunar mission (AYAP-1), the 2nd Scientific Working Group Meeting was held on January 30 and 31, 2024, hosted by Türk Hava Kurumu University

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Representatives from the Turkish Space Agency (TUA), the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF), the Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB) and IRADETS, and scientists from Middle East Technical University (METU), Turkish Aeronautical Association University (THKU), Istanbul University, Istanbul Technical University, Sabancı University, Beykent University, Ege University and Ankara University came together for the 2nd Scientific Working Group Meeting on Turkey's Lunar Mission, organized by TÜBİTAK UZAY.

The 2nd Scientific Working Group Meeting, which was held within the scope of the Lunar Research Program carried out by TÜBİTAK UZAY, started with the opening speeches of THKÜ Rector Prof. Dr. Rahmi Er, TUA Space Systems and Vehicles Department Head Ali Baygeldi and TÜBİTAK UZAY Institute Director Mehmet Nefes. In his speech, Mehmet Nefes talked about the studies and projects carried out at our Institute, while TUA Space Technologies Specialist İlker Bayram shared information about "Turkey's National Space Program".

During the meeting, Dr. Burak Yağlıoğlu, AYAP-1 Project Manager from TÜBİTAK UZAY, shared information about the Lunar Mission and the spacecraft. Dr. Fahri Öztürk, Coordinator of AYAP-1 Scientific Working Group, explained the scientific outputs of the mission and its contributions to Turkish academia. In the sessions that followed, the general outlines of the lunar mission, as well as the spacecraft, scientific payloads and outputs were discussed. In addition, discussions were held on space studies and potential scientific studies and possible collaborations for current lunar research.

Prof. Stas Barabash, IRF Vice President and Solar System and Space Technologies Program Manager, provided detailed information about the Lunar Neutral Telescope (LNT), one of the scientific missions within the scope of Turkey's Lunar Mission, which aims to collect data on neutral particles from the lunar surface. In addition, Dr. Manabu Shimoyama from IRF gave a presentation on the scientific performance and expected results of the LNT. In addition, the Lunar Narrow Field of View Radiometer (LNR), another payload that aims to collect data on thermal albedo and temperature patterns on the lunar surface, was introduced by ROB senior researchers Dr. Özgür Karatekin and Dr. Ping Zhu. The details of the Radiation Calorimeter, another important component developed by IRADETS, were presented by Prof. Dr. Behçet Alpat.

In addition, Assoc. Prof. Ozan Ünsalan from Ege University presented "Vibrational spectroscopic analyses on lunar regolith and similar samples", Prof. Dr. Cengiz Toklu from Beykent University presented "Problems and solutions that may arise in the establishment of settlements on the Moon and Mars" and Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Gülgün from Sabancı University presented "Producing lunar construction materials with in-situ resources". The first day of the meeting was concluded with a presentation on "inspiring space awareness and Moon-centered education programs" by Dr. Halit Mirahmetoğlu, founder of Gökmen Space Aviation Education Center (GUHEM).

On the second day of the meeting, Prof. Dr. Nevsan Şengil from THKU, Prof. Dr. Hatice Duran Yıldız from Ankara University Accelerator Technologies Institute and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil Ersin Söken from METU made presentations about their scientific studies and possible collaborations.

Scientists participating in the 2nd Scientific Working Group Meeting of Turkey's Lunar Mission exchanged views on the scientific studies to be carried out on the payloads to be carried by the AYAP-1 lunar lander and the data to be obtained. Until the next meeting, it was decided to continue the work discussed at the meeting by holding interim meetings in order to reach wider academic audiences.

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