Turkish Students Receive Award at the Summer Camp Organized within the Scope of APSCO Student Small Satellite Project (SSS)

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Our team, consisting of Beril GÜNAY, METU Electrical and Electronics Engineering student, Sibel KAÇMAZ and Yağız KURT, METU Aerospace Engineering students, and Şahin Ulaş KÖPRÜCÜ, THK University Aerospace Engineering Department student, who took part in the SSS-2B satellite project carried out by TÜBİTAK-UZAY within the framework of the APSCO Student Small Satellite Project (SSS), participated in the Third Summer Camp (http://www.apsco.int/html/comp1/content/NewsHighlights/2019-08-02/54-296-1.shtml) came second among eight country teams in the competition organized within the framework of ADCS practical training.

In addition to this achievement, Şahin Ulaş KÖPRÜCÜ received one of the Excellent Student Awards.

Asia Pacific Space Cooperation organization (APSCO), short for Asia Pacific Space Cooperation organization [ http://www.apsco.int/ | www.apsco.int ] ) was established on October 28, 2005 with the signing of APSCO Founding Act in Beijing by the government representatives of China, Thailand, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Peru, Indonesia. Turkey became one of the 9 founding member countries by signing the Law on the Establishment of APSCO at a ceremony held in Beijing on June 1, 2006. APSCO is the second intergovernmental organization recognized by the United Nations in the field of space after the European Space Agency.

The projects carried out within APSCO are designed as "Optional" projects to trigger larger collaborations between the member countries as a core fund to develop other projects in the field of space. In addition, projects are also carried out for educational purposes. In particular, they can also be designed as free technology transfer between member countries. Projects are created in four main areas: 1) Space Technologies, 2) Space Science, 3) Space Applications and 4) Theoretical and Practical Training.

As one of the member countries of APSCO, the Scientific and Technological Research Institute of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) carries out the activities on behalf of Turkey and TÜBİTAK Space Technologies Research Institute (TÜBİTAK UZAY) acts as the country contact point on behalf of TÜBİTAK.

A total of 32 students from Bangladesh, China, Iran, Mongolia, Pakistan, Pakistan, Peru, Thailand and Turkey participated in the APSCO SSS Third Summer Camp. The four-member Turkish student team was accompanied by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tahsin Çağrı ŞİŞMAN, Head of the Department of Aerospace Engineering, as the team leader.

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