Our Institute participated in the Euroforensics International Forensic Sciences Exhibition and Conference, which was held for the third time this year at Istanbul Harbiye Museum & Cultural Site between March 29-31. The exhibition was attended with BALISTIKA and KAVTAN Projects. At the exhibition booth, Aysun KARAARSLAN from the Strategic Management and Business Development Group and the Machine Vision, Multimedia Processing, Remote Sensing and Pattern Recognition Group informed the visitors about these projects. In the same area, TÜBİTAK MAM, TÜBİTAK BİLGEM and TÜBİTAK MAM FOOD INSTITUTE participated in the event together with our Institute. http://euroforensics.com You can reach them at

The Young Names That Will Accompany Us On The Space Journey of Türkiye Have Been Announced!
For "Candidate Researcher Program" results: kariyer.tubitak.gov.tr