
Celebrating the 3rd Anniversary of RASAT and the Launch of the Explorer Portal

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With the participation of Fikri IŞIK, Minister of Science, Industry and Technology, Prof. Dr. Ersan ASLAN, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, Prof. Dr. Yücel ALTUNBAŞAK, President of TUBITAK, and many distinguished academic guests, the 3rd anniversary of the launch of the RASAT satellite and the opening of the Navigator Portal were held at TUBITAK SPACE Institute on August 19, 2014.

As part of the opening program, guests watched the process of downloading images from the RASAT Satellite at the Ground Station.

RASAT, the first national earth observation satellite, was launched from Russia on August 17, 2011. RASAT, which has completed its 3rd year in orbit and covered the whole of Turkey twice with its images, has successfully achieved all its goals and continues its missions successfully in its orbit. For 3 years, RASAT made 16,480 orbits and imaged a total area of 6 million square kilometers.

The raw images downloaded from the RASAT satellite are coordinatized after geometric and radiometric corrections, and the updated images are transferred to the GEZGİN Portal.

Public institutions and universities will be able to become members of the GEZGİN Portal and will be able to access the "www.gezgin.gov.tr" to access all images free of charge.

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