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The Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO), headquartered in Beijing, China, organized the APSCO High School Students Space Contest (APSCO Youth Space Contest 2017) between 15-21 July 2017.

The theme of the competition is "Our Future Home: Space"

40 students from eight different countries participated in the competition, which was organized to increase the interest of young people in APSCO member states in space science and technologies, to spread the awareness of APSCO and to encourage communication and cooperation among young people in member states.

Among the applicants from Turkey, a total of four students, Ekin Ören from Istanbul Kabataş Boys' High School, Zeynep Akyazıcı from Istanbul Vefa High School, Defne Altan from Isparta Science and Art Center and Ceren Kıliç from Ağrı Türk Telekom Social Sciences High School, were nominated to APSCO to compete in the finals and their nominations were accepted by ASPCO. The student team was led by TÜBİTAK UZAY staff member Aysun Karaarslan.

The students presented their projects, compositions, stories and models to the competition jury.

As a result of the competition, Ekin Ören and Defne Altan came in second place. Ceren Kıliç received the award for the best presentation. The students received their awards from APSCO and members of the Competition Jury.

APSCO Secretary General Dr. Li Xinjun delivered a speech at the end of the competition and congratulated the participants.

After the presentations and award ceremony, students were given laboratory work. Students were taken to the laboratory and given information by expert trainers. The students were then divided into groups and made launch pads and tested whether the launch pads they made worked or not and presented the work to the jury in practice. Students and their teams who participated on behalf of our country and successfully completed the work were awarded with prizes such as drone, kindle, etc.

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