
Minister of Industry and Technology Visited TÜBİTAK UZAY

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Minister Visits TUBITAK SPACE

Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank visited TÜBİTAK UZAY together with Deputy Minister Çetin Ali Dönmez. TÜBİTAK President Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal and METU Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Verşan Kök accompanied the visit.

First of all, the Minister visited the Ground Station, where he was informed about the functioning of the Ground Station and was shown the images taken from our satellites. The Minister then visited the Clean Room, where satellite production and testing operations are carried out, and was informed about the technical features of the Clean Room and the work carried out there.

From there, the Institute went to the Institute's BTYK meeting room and an introductory presentation of the Institute was made with the participation of the Institute management, group leaders, unit managers and project technical leaders. Institute Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lokman Kuzu, who made the introductory presentation of the Institute, gave information about the history of the Institute, its human resources and the projects currently being carried out. Afterwards, Mr. Minister was presented with models of RASAT and GÖKTÜRK-2 satellites.

From here, we moved to BALISTIKA Laboratory and were informed about the functioning of the product. Finally, we moved to the HALE Laboratory and were informed about the Electric Propulsion Engine developed at TÜBİTAK UZAY facilities, which will be tested for the first time on the TÜRKSAT 6A satellite.

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