
Mr. Fikri Işık, Minister of Science, Industry and Technology Fikri Işık visited our Institute

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Mr. Fikri Işık, Minister of Science, Industry and Technology Mr. Fikri Işık, Minister of Science, Industry and Technology, accompanied by the Undersecretary of Science, Industry and Technology, Mr. Prof. Dr. Ersan ASLAN, Rector of METU Prof. Dr. Ahmet ACAR, President of TÜBİTAK. Prof. Dr. Yücel Altunbaşak, Vice Presidents of TÜBİTAK Prof. Dr. Abdullah ÇAVUŞOĞLU and Mr. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Necati Demir, Secretary General of TÜBİTAK, Mr. Mr. Arif Koyuncu, General Director of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cevahir UZKURT, Director General of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology and Advisors of the Minister paid a visit to TÜBİTAK Space Institute on 10 April 2014.

Within the scope of the visit, following the introductory presentation of TÜBİTAK UZAY, Minister Işık received information about GÖKTÜRK-2, Turkey's high-resolution domestic reconnaissance satellite, and RASAT, the first domestic observation satellite, from the Director of our Institute, Mr. Lokman Kuzu. After receiving information from Dr. Lokman Kuzu, Minister Işık examined BALISTIKA, the Ballistic Image Analysis and Recognition System, one of the best ballistic analysis systems in the world. After visiting the ground station and the clean room, Minister Işık had lunch with TÜBİTAK UZAY employees.

During the visit, the Minister visited the ground station and the satellite, assembly, integration and test laboratory (clean room), and shared the image of the RASAT satellite passing over Turkey.

Minister Işık said that the works of TÜBİTAK UZAY made him proud, adding that Turkey was now saying "I am in space too". Stating that GÖKTÜRK-2 and RASAT were built by TÜBİTAK UZAY, Işık said, "Preparations for TÜRKSAT 6A, the first domestic communication satellite, are underway. Subsequently, work on intelligence satellites will be carried out and many projects will be realized here."

Explaining that TÜBİTAK UZAY has a highly qualified human resource, Işık said that they are pleased that this power is producing for Turkey. Stating that RASAT can take images with a resolution of 7.5 meters and GÖKTÜRK-2 with a resolution of 2.5 meters, Işık said "Now, hopefully, we will be able to take high-resolution images on the GÖKTÜRK-1 satellite, but our friends continue to work to increase that resolution. In addition, a 2D map of Turkey is being prepared using satellite images. When completed, this application will be made available to users through a web portal. When these preparations are completed, more detailed information will be provided to the public. I hope we will soon see Turkish Maps, but in terms of resolution, we will have the opportunity to present more beautiful photographs and maps in the coming period."

Demand for BALISTIKA from Tunisia and TRNC

Minister Işık mentioned that the BALISTIKA system, which examines the traces left by weapons on the shell and core in 3D, is a very important project, and said that the system has been sold to Saudi Arabia as well as Turkey, and that there is demand from other countries. Işık said, "Tunisia and the TRNC have also made a request. I am sure that in the coming period, other countries will also make requests to buy this system. Because if your product is good, it is easy to sell it."

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