
Signatures Signed for Software Updates of BALISTIKA System Exported to Saudi Arabia

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A new agreement was signed with Verisis A.Ş. for the software updates of BALİSTİKA, the indigenous and national ballistic examination system developed by TÜBİTAK UZAY.

BALİSTİKA, a system that enables the 3D examination of casings and bullet cores and their matching with the firearms used, has been successfully used in the Criminal Laboratories in Turkey since 1995. Within the scope of the first overseas sale of BALİSTİKA in 2013, the system was installed in 6 regions in Saudi Arabia. After the system's high performance and high customer satisfaction, it was installed in 8 more regions in 2016. Thus, Saudi Arabia has achieved significant success in the fight against crime with a total of 14 BALİSTİKA Systems in 10 years.

As part of the continuation of the project, the BALISTIKA Software Update Project was signed at a ceremony held at TÜBİTAK UZAY Campus on May 5. With this project, server and client software will be updated, the system will be enriched with the latest features and the system performance will be kept at the highest level.

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