Space Technologies and Education Association Meeting was held at our Institute

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The 4th meeting of the Space Technologies and Education Union (UTEB), which aims to create unity in the field of space and to make Turkey a leading country in the field of space education and research by joining forces by using the existing and potential human resources, infrastructure and other resources of our universities under the roof of the union, was held on December 6, 2013 at TÜBİTAK UZAY with the participation of representatives from 14 universities and 10 institutions/organizations.

At the opening of the meeting, a presentation by the Technical Assistant Director of our Institute introduced the capabilities, products and infrastructure of our Institute, followed by an introductory tour for all participants. It was stated that this capability and infrastructure is open to all universities and institutions. It was stated that in cooperation with universities, trained manpower in the field of space can be increased, joint projects can be carried out and/or some experimental sensors or scientific studies can be carried out. It was stated that university students could be given internship quotas and be provided with opportunities for postgraduate research.

Mr. Celal Ünver, Secretary General of APSCO, attended the meeting. Mr. Celal Ünver gave information about APSCO's master's and doctoral scholarships. It was mentioned that APSCO aims to establish closer cooperation opportunities with our universities in the coming period. It was announced that a rocket competition is planned to be organized by the General Directorate of Aerospace Technologies in 2014. UTEB plans to organize a CANSAT course in June 2014 followed by a national competition. Information on Horizon 2020 space project titles was given at the meeting. It was informed that the University Space Engineering Consortium - UNISEC, established by Japan, wants to carry out joint projects with many countries including Turkey under the umbrella of UNISEC-Global.

Universities, institutions and organizations participating in the meeting:

Afyon Kocatepe University
Anadolu University
Ankara University
Bilkent University
Çanakkale Eighteen Mart University
Ege University
Erciyes University
Koç University
Sabancı University
THK University
Yıldız Technical University
Institutions and Organizations:
ESEN Sist.Ent.
LNL Technology Ltd. Şti.
Mikro-Tasarim Ltd. Şti.
TÜBİTAK Presidency

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