İMECE Satellite Tests Begin

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The Thermal Structural Qualification Model (SSM) assembly and interconnection activities of the İMECE Satellite developed by our Institute were completed at the Space Systems Integration and Test Center (USET) located at TAI facilities.

At the meeting hosted by the Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank and Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacır, the latest status of the domestic and national satellite projects carried out by our Institute was discussed.

The meeting at the Turkish Aerospace Industry (TAI) was attended by Hulusi Akar, Minister of National Defence; Adil Karaismailoğlu, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure; Prof. Dr. İsmail Demir, President of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, President of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, Prof. Dr. İsmail Demir; Ali Taha Koç, President of the Digital Transformation Office of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey; Serdar Hüseyin Yıldırım, President of the Turkish Space Agency; Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal, President of TÜBİTAK; Assoc. Dr. Temel Kotil, General Manager of TAI; Prof. Dr. Haluk Güngör, Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Manager of ASELSAN; Cenk Şen, General Manager of TÜRKSAT A.Ş. and representatives of other institutions and organizations.

Our Deputy Director Dr. Alime Özyıldırım, Emir Serdar Aras, Project Manager of İMECE Satellite Project, Dr. Cevher Levent Ertürk, Project Manager of TÜRKSAT 6A Project, İbrahim Gümüş, Technical Leader of TÜRKSAT 6A Project and our employees from both project teams attended the meeting where our Institute Director Assoc.

Varank, Akar and Karaismailoğlu made inspections in the area where İMECE Thermal Structural Adequacy Model assembly and integration activities were carried out, and carried out the final assembly of our İMECE Satellite.

Within the scope of the project, IYYM model assembly integration activities started in January 2020 and were successfully completed in a short period of 4 months despite the pandemic conditions we are currently in. After this stage, the Thermal Structural Capability Model will be subjected to challenging environmental tests for 3 months and its compatibility with space conditions will be tested.

The IMECE Project, launched in January 2017, aims to develop the sub-meter resolution IMECE Earth Observation Satellite to meet Turkey's military and civilian high-resolution imagery needs. With the use of the sub-meter camera, which was developed using domestic and national capabilities to the maximum extent, on the satellite platform, an important step will be taken to meet the civilian and military high-resolution imagery needs of our country with domestic resources.

In addition to the High Resolution Electro-Optical Camera, critical equipment, software and related technologies are being developed within the scope of the project.

During the visit, the Engineering Model and Flight Model activities of TÜRKSAT 6A, Turkey's first indigenously developed Communication Satellite under the leadership of TÜBİTAK UZAY, with the participation of TAI, ASELSAN and CTECH companies, were observed on-site and information was received. With the TÜRKSAT 6A Project, in addition to meeting the operational needs of the end user TÜRKSAT A.Ş., many sub-systems to be included in the satellite will be provided with space history and these sub-systems will form the infrastructure of national communication satellites.

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