
TÜBİTAK UZAY at the International Aerospace Exhibition

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TÜBİTAK UZAY participated in the International Space and Aerospace Exhibition (ILA) held in Berlin, the capital of Germany, with Turkey as a partner country this year.

The International Aerospace Exhibition (ILA) at Schönefeld Airport was opened by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Lütfi Elvan and German Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt.

In her speech here, Chancellor Merkel emphasized that the latest technologies in the field of air and space are exhibited at the ILA and everyone from the sector participates here. Pointing out that Turkey is the partner country of ILA this year, Merkel said, "The painful news of the tragedy in the mines in Turkey shook us in Germany. Our thoughts are with the relatives of the dead. It is not easy to be on the agenda in such tragic moments."

Stating that Turkey has been regularly participating in the ILA for many years, Merkel noted that Turkey's aerospace industry has the potential for effective innovation.

Lütfi Elvan, Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, stated that ILA is one of the most important fairs of the sector. "Germany is one of Turkey's most important allies. Both countries cooperate closely in many areas, especially in the field of defense," Elvan said, noting that the mutual trade volume of the two countries is over 30 billion euros.

Stating that Turkey's defense projects with Germany total 4 billion euros, Elvan pointed out that one of the most important achievements in the cooperation between the two countries was the Germany-Turkey Science Year in 2014.

Stating that 17 companies operating in the defence industry participated in the ILA, Elvan noted that the defence sector in Turkey has shown a significant development in the last 10 years, and that the target is to increase defence industry exports to 2 billion Euros. Elvan concluded by wishing that the ILA would be fruitful for all participants.

After the speeches, Merkel and Elvan opened the fair by cutting the ribbon with a large pair of scissors and then visited the stands with the accompanying delegation.

This year, 1203 companies from 40 countries, including Turkey, participated in the ILA. TÜBİTAK UZAY exhibited the national satellites RASAT and GÖKTÜRK-2 at its booth number 6103 in Hall 6. Institute officials explored cooperation opportunities with the leading companies of the sector, which they met at round table meetings, and held mutual meetings with German institutions and organizations within the scope of the Turkish-German Space Event.

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