
We Attended the Third Global Satshow Summit

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The 3rd Global Satshow Fair was held at Istanbul Haliç Congress Center on November 9-10, hosted by the European, Middle East and Africa Satellite Operators Association (ESOA) in strategic partnership with MÜSİAD and with the support of Türksat.

At the exhibition, where investment plans in the satellite sector and the future of the sector were discussed, a contract signing ceremony was held between Airbus and Türksat AŞ, which won the tender for Türksat 5A and 5B satellites.

Nearly 5,000 visitors from more than 35 countries attended the event, which included space technologies, broadcasting, transportation and logistics; oil and gas, satellite industry and operators, military defense, telecommunications and IT/ICT sectors.

We will provide communication with our own satellite

Delivering the opening speech of the summit, Ahmet Arslan, Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, said: "Our aim is to complete our own satellite 6A in 2020 and deliver it to its place in orbit. With 6A, Turkey, which will be among the few countries, will be positively differentiated in this sense. With the establishment of the Turkish Space Agency, we will take the work to an advanced level. Launching satellites is as important as producing them. We will be able to communicate with our own satellite." Dr. Orkun Hasekioğlu, Vice President of TÜBİTAK, gave information about the TÜRKSAT 6A Project in the "TÜRKSAT 6A National Satellite" session.

TÜBİTAK UZAY participated in the fair by opening a booth and exhibited lifelike models of RASAT and GÖKTÜRK 2 satellites at the booth, which were admired by the participants. Our Deputy Director of the Institute Dr. Erdal Yılmaz, Expert Researcher Burak Yağlıoğlu, Corporate Communication Group Leader Necmi Demir and Assistant Expert Merve Özek Ekinci from the same group gave information to the guests about the place our country has reached in space technologies thanks to TÜBİTAK UZAY. In addition, visitors to our stand were presented with back issues of TUBITAK popular science magazines Meraklı Minik, Bilim Çocuk and Bilim Teknik.

It was an important event in terms of spreading the awareness of TÜBİTAK UZAY.

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