
We Shared the Joy of TEKNOFEST 2023

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TEKNOFEST, which was held again this year at Istanbul Atatürk Airport under the leadership of the Ministry of Industry and Technology and the Technology Team Foundation of Turkey, brought together millions of technology enthusiasts and took place between April 27 and May 1.

The opening ceremony of TEKNOFEST was held with the participation of Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank, President of Defence Industries İsmail Demir, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of T3 Foundation Selçuk Bayraktar and President of TÜBİTAK Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal, and the closing ceremony was held with the participation of Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacır.

Taking part in TEKNOFEST since 2018, TÜBİTAK welcomed its participants with a 950 square meter stand with various activities and exhibition products in Block I of the Festival Area. At the TÜBİTAK UZAY stand, visitors had the opportunity to examine the models of our communication satellite TÜRKSAT 6A, which is planned to be launched into space at the end of the year, and our high-resolution observation satellite İMECE, which was launched into space on April 15, while local and foreign students and graduates who visited our stand were given detailed information about internship opportunities, employment conditions and recruitment processes related to our Institute.

Apart from these, great interest was shown to the TÜRKSAT 6A and İMECE satellite model making workshop activities held at our stand. In addition, we provided information about the Turkish Astronaut and Science Mission and our Lunar Research Projects with our Space Traveler and Moon Mission Games, which also attracted great interest from visitors.

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