
APSCO Training was held.

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The Remote Sensing Applications and Data Sharing Service Platform training provided by the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO), of which we are a member, from RADI, CRESDA, ICD and CRS companies and given by foreign experts was held at the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) between 9-12 May 2017.

Scientific research to further enhance APSCO Member States' ability to apply data in the areas of climate change, environmental monitoring and emergency response, as well as to increase resource sharing, is being developed by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) Data Sharing Service Platform.

The training program was organized to train participants from APSCO member states on the Data Sharing Platform and inform them on the use of the platform, data processing, disaster management, remote sensing and data sharing. The program started with the opening speeches of Bai Yu from APSCO Training and Information Management Department, Dr. Erdal Yılmaz, Deputy Director of the Institute, and İrfan Keskin, Head of AFAD Information Systems and Communication Department. After the opening speeches, the training was started by the relevant experts.

The four-day training, which took place with the participation of various institutions, organizations and companies under the leadership of our Institute, was successfully completed.

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